Spring Clean Your Pantry

By Amy Jamieson-Petonic

Happy Spring!  I love this time of year!  Birds singing, the weather getting warmer, and new beginnings.  This is also an awesome time to spring clean your pantry, or give yourself a “Nutrition Tune Up” so to speak Here is a list of items to swap, or add to your pantry this spring 1) Whole…

Kids Eat Right with Amy J

By Amy Jamieson-Petonic

The Top 5 things Parents can do to help their kids Eat Right! Welcome to summer– also known as the month of August or Kids Eat Right Month! Being a mom, (and a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist) making sure that my little angel eats healthy is always a top priority for me. I know the foods that…

Foods for Fabulous Summer Skin

By Amy Jamieson-Petonic

June is here, and summer is just around the corner. Summer is such a great time to spend more time out in the sun and enjoy the yummy foods from my veggie garden. Nothing tastes better than a home grown tomato, right? When we are outdoors, it’s important to wear protective eyewear and sunscreen, but…